American Pharoah Winning The Belmont Stakes Is The Best Call In Sports History

This has become an annual blog for me at this point, but it's worth reposting every year on Belmont Stakes Day. Larry Collmus' call of American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown in 2015 is my pick for best call in sports history. It had been 37 years since we witnessed a Triple Crown winner, and the pressure to nail that call was immense. Well, he more than lived up to the moment. Given the magnitude of the accomplishment, the excitement of ending the draught, and the call itself, I really think a case can be made that it's the best call in sports history. It's certainly the best one I've witnessed in my lifetime. I'll watch it a few times a year and get goosebumps every single time. 

Here's the transcript from the stretch run call that starts around 2:10 in the above video. 

“And they’re into the stretch, and American Pharoah makes his run for glory as they come into the final furlong. Frosted is second. With one-eighth of a mile to go, American Pharoah’s got a two length lead. Frosted is all out at the sixteenth pole. And here it is! The 37-year wait is over! American Pharoah is finally the one! American Pharoah has won the Triple Crown!”

Larry Collmus doesn't get enough attention as a great broadcaster, but he's nailed every single big moment when given the opportunity. No opportunity for a historic Triple Crown call today, but I'm sure he'll be great anyway. 

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